Our opening hours are from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday
Appointments can be arranged Monday to Friday
9.00am – 12.30pm and 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Acute/urgent medical appointments will be for one patient, one medical problem only and may not be with your preferred doctor.
While every effort is made to run on time, occasional delays are unavoidable and we ask for your patience and understanding in these situations.
If more than one member of the family needs to be seen the appointment should be booked accordingly.
Please advise the surgery if you are unable to attend an appointment so that we can offer it to another patient

Please phone NEDOC (North East Doctors) at
1800 777 911.
Balbriggan Medical Centre is a member of NeDOC , who provide out of hours GP services when your own surgery is closed.
NEDOC runs 6pm – 8am Monday – Friday and 24hrs at weekends and bank holidays.
NEDOC is not a replacement for the emergency services. If you require emergency treatment you should contact the emergency services on 999 or go straight to the nearest Emergency Department.